At Minerva Tuition we have a vast amount of experience in successfully preparing pupils for this highly competitive course.
From preparation for the all-important LNAT (or CLT for Cambridge) to practising the skills required for a law interview, we can provide what is required to put together a very strong application.
It is, for example, a common misconception that good knowledge of the UK’s legal system is required and, indeed, that there is a requirement to display such knowledge in an essay or at interview. Individual feedback from unsuccessful applicants has often quoted this as a shortcoming which cost the candidate a place; typically the candidate was blindly determined to apply everything that came up into a factual legal structure as an answer. In fact, the ability to vocalise one’s thoughts concisely and persuasively when talking about an ethical or moral matter is far more important.
Minerva Tuition can prepare your daughter or son fully for these areas. Polished critical reading, writing and oral skills are key to a successful law application and one-to-one tuition with an expert in this field will put an applicant at a distinct advantage. This is particularly the case for those applying with a fully or predominantly science-based A level portfolio.
For more information about how we can help, please contact Valerie Weston on: Email: Phone: +852 6156 5705. We would be delighted to hear from you.
