Are you thinking of applying to study Medicine in 2021? Have you given thought to some of the issues potential candidates should be pondering? Medical ethics for candidates applying to study medicine Discussions on medical ethics frequently form part of a candidate’s application process but, in our experience, is an area on which candidates would benefit from spending more time. When considering a career in Medicine, potential candidates should research and discuss: - Understanding the key values of medicine: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. - Respecting a patient’s right to autonomy even though that may result in medical deterioration or even death. - Assessing and weighing risk to adhere to the principle “do no harm” - Case studies where there are ethical issues in applying these core principles. - Understanding that good health is just one of a range of values held by a person, their family and society. - Honest and effective communication of medical information. - Medical treatment in the economic context of scarce resources. - Discussing the ongoing controversy of assisted dying. Minerva Tuition offers bespoke sessions to candidates preparing for medical school. If you would like help with preparation for your application or any of your other academic subjects, please contact Valerie Weston on: Email: Phone: +852 6156 5705. One of our highly trained and experienced tutors would be delighted to support you.
