Many of our students are working their way through various Chemistry syllabi.
Whatever syllabus you may be following - be it (I)GCSE, A level, IB or AP - having a sound understanding of how the Periodic Table of Elements is organised is essential for any Chemistry student.
Today one of our expert Chemistry students shares 10 top tips for familiarising yourself with the Periodic Table.
1. Print off a Periodic Table, preferably one which has metals & non-metals in a different colour. Don’t worry if you can’t find one in colour - print off one in black & white instead & colour code it yourself.
2. Get a large (preferably A3) sheet of paper & stick the table in the middle of the paper.
3. Put the heading ‘metals’ at one end of your paper & ‘non-metals’ at the other.
4. Colour coordinate with the colours in your Periodic Table. Below each heading list the properties of each - try and name 7 properties of metals & 5 properties of non-metals.
5. On each side of your Periodic Table draw a large arrow showing the direction of increasing reactivity for Group 1 & Group 7. Which arrow will go up & which will go down?
6. Try to list the properties of Group 1 elements (it might be a good idea to do this next to your Group 1 arrow)
7. Then create a table showing how Group 1 elements react with oxygen, water & chlorine. Describe the reactions & state the equations.
8. Do the same for Group 7 (again, it might be a good idea to do this next to your Group 7 arrow).
9. Then write one sentence (preferably in a different colour, so it really stands out) to explain why Group 1 & Group 7 are opposites. (Hint: think about electric arrangement!)
10. Last step! The Halogens! Use a highlight to highlight the Halogens & write 3 bullet points to describe them. Then give a few examples of their uses (e.g. chlorine = used in swimming pools!)
Your Periodic Table revision sheet is now ready. Good luck!
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